Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Last minute sorting

I went to Milton Keynes last night to pick up my wedding dress - finding a space to park wasn't as nightmarish as last time, but on the way back to the car I managed to turn the wrong way out of debenhams and got hopelessly lost in the shopping centre. In the end I had to retrace my steps and start again. I don't know anyone who actually likes MK centre - it's designed to get you lost!

Anyway, the dress is hanging up at my friend's house, at least until after Christmas. It actually fits me now, so hopefully will need taken in a bit, as well as shortened, before May.

That's it for wedding preparations now until after Christmas, when we'll start on the invites. I'm looking forward to a relaxing few days at Tim's parents, with no organising to do! This will be the first Christmas I haven't spent with my Mum and Dad, so it'll be interesting seeing what other people do. Apparently we'll probably watch the Queen's speech, which will be a first for me...

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