Thursday, January 20, 2005

How's your Russian?

Choir practice again last night - we're rehearsing Rachmaninov's vespers, which are in Russian, not a language I know well! The copies have 'transliteration' which is supposed to help you with pronunciation, but I do feel I'm making it up as I go along. Hope there are no Russians in the audience...

The music is lovely, though - very Russian sounding with lots of very deep bass notes and long mournful tunes which move between the various voices. I've just bought the CD for extra listening practice!

I've also bought the CD for Domenico Scarlatti's Stabat Mater, which I'm rehearsing with the chamber choir. That's even more yummy - my favourite sort of music with interwoven voice parts which all depend on each other all the time. It does mean all my singing is pretty hard work at the moment, though!

Latest house news: we've got an official mortgage offer now (hooray!), including a vlauation survey which was fine. The life assurance is all sorted, and the solicitors have applied for the searches and want proof of our identities. So things seem to be moving along... still not sure if we'll manage to move by the end of February, though. Any ideas?

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