Thursday, March 10, 2005

More singing

Choir again last night - there are now whole movements where I know what note is coming next, and have a vague idea how the Russian should be pronounced! There are also movements which feel like I've never sung them before, though. The concert is in April, so hopefully it will all come together in the next few weeks.

We were all slightly put-off last night by a just audible whine, which kept changing note - it sounded like someone's hearing aid playing up. Of course, it was never on the same note as we were singing! No one owned up to it being them - I'm not certain it was a hearing aid, but I have my suspicions who it might have been... and he's the sort of person who wouldn't admit he was doing something wrong!

The next big musical event on the horizon is Tim's band contest in Stevenage next weekend. If you're lucky, he'll tell you all about it at some point...

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