Friday, April 08, 2005

Look! A plane

I seem to have spent a lot of time complaining about my job recently - I've not been very busy and I'm not feeling particularly challenged. The busyness seems to be about to change, finally, and I suspect that from next week I'll have lots of people wanting me to do lots of things and get them all finished by yesterday. I'm probably off to Toulouse again for a few days straight after the hen/stag do's, which is interesting timing in terms of the wedding...

Anyway, yesterday I had day doing something a bit unusual. We went to visit a customer to discuss doing some CFD modelling for them, and ended up wandering round their aircraft hanger looking at *real* aircraft and discussing which bits to put in the computer model - "yes, keep that wing, but ignore the fuel tank" sort of discussions, whilst standing right next to the bits in question. It was great fun, and very different from my usual desk-and-computer working environment. So I may complain about my job but every now and again I realise that it is pretty enjoyable. Shame it doesn't pay better!

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