Sunday, October 28, 2007

A cheap weekend

A while ago Tim, along with the rest of his team, was given a bonus for exceptional work on a contract. This bonus was given with the condition it should be used to take your husband/wife/partner/family out for dinner. So this weekend we headed up to Rutland to the King's Arms Hotel for a night away and a very nice dinner - all paid for by someone else, which was rather nice. It looks like the next few weeks will involve both of us going away with work, so it was lovely to spend a relaxing weekend together.

Relaxing? Well, Saturday was. On Sunday we decided to Walk all the way around Rutland Water. There were several reasons for this:

1) We'd cycled around it before so knew the route,
2) It was a nice Autumn day and we wanted to make the most of it,
3) We're planning on walking to coast-to-coast walk next year, so need to build up our stamina on longer walks.

Longer walks? We didn't count up the miles before we set out so are feeling very proud of our 18.3 mile loop! We're also feeling very achy in our legs, and poor Tim has blisters on his toes from his walking shoes. But overall we're impressed with ourselves - it was a long, but relatively easy walk and the weather and views were lovely.

Good clouds, aren't they?
I'm looking forward to a relaxing day in front of a computer screen tomorrow!

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