Sunday, June 05, 2005

Wedding present bonanza

A large John Lewis lorry turned up yesterday, containing all our gift list presents. We spent a very enjoyable morning unwrapping them all from the acres of bubble wrap they had been encased in - there was so much of the stuff we got bored of popping the bubbles! So we now have a house full of very nice things, courtesy of all you lovely people. Thank you - official letters of thanks will be in the post in a couple of days, when we've bought some more envelopes...

We made the most of our new stuff this evening - we had roast chicken for dinner (me stuffing a chicken was an interesting experience), carved with our new carving set, accompanied by gravy in our new sauce boat. We ate it sitting at our new dining table, covered in our new tablecloth, with napkins and napkin rings as well as a carafe of water. And it was romantically candle-lit with our new candlesticks! What more could you ask for? Except perhaps dessert of home-made ice cream using our ice cream maker - yum.

You'll be pleased to know that I'm getting the planning itch again, so I'll have to start planning some parties when you can all come over and use all this stuff - after all, we got it to entertain :-)

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