Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Reverse Psychology?

Posters have sprung up at work, as these things are wont to do on occasion, sporting slogans such as:

It's OK...
...To Leave Work On Time To Catch Your Train

It's OK...
...To Keep Personal Commitments

It's OK...
...To Meet A Friend For Lunch

I think the point of these are to convince us that we're working for a caring employer who actually knows what "Work-life balance" means, rather than just having heard of it. My problem is that I always thought it was ok to leave on time for your train, or to avoid working at weekends, or whatever. Now I'm thinking that maybe I'm the only one who was keeping such standards, and that everyone else is letting their trains go by below their windows, or sitting at their desks for 10 hour stretches. Maybe I should be giving up more of my life for my employer. Maybe that's precisely what they want us to think.

Best get on - 3.30 and if I'm not careful I'll miss my train.

1 comment:

Tim Mosedale said...

An amusing postscript. The poster people obviously read the blog, because the posters have now been replaced. By basically the same thing, but with "It's Good..." instead of "It's OK". Far less paranoia-inducing...