Sunday, June 04, 2006

The garden a year on

Looking back at previous posts, I came across a couple of pictures of the garden just after we'd started to do it up. I thought it was time for an update, so here we are:
This is the alpine patch, which has really amazed us this spring. We've gradually been adding new plants to it as we came across funky looking ones in our travels, and over the last couple of months they've taken it in turns to suddenly sprout and bloom. Two weeks ago the yellow-flowered plants were nothing but a few leaves and now they're - well - yellow-flowered!

Meanwhile the shrubs in the back bed are all much larger than they were last year. Over the spring the bed was full of daffodils and tulips so we're heading towards 'year-round interest' in the garden.

The side bed is full of violas, which have taken over from the primroses which bloomed over Easter. We're still planning to put more shrubs in but have just planted out some sunflowers and lantanas which should get a bit bigger soon.

We've been at home for the last couple of weekends, as Tim was studying for his exams, so I've had plenty of time to tidy the garden. I'm quite pleased with it at the moment - it's finally at a stage where we can sit out and enjoy it. Much better than the wilderness we inherited when we moved in!

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