Monday, August 13, 2007

oom-pa in the park

Brass bands do not travel light! Tim's band played in the bandstand in Bedford Park on Sunday, and while I could post a picture of Tim and his Tuba, this shot is more fun. That's not Tim's tuba case in the photo - his is slightly smaller than that, but we do have two of them in the house...

Mum and Dad came down to visit this weekend, so sat in the park with me and enjoyed the music. It was good to see them both again and borrow all their lake district maps for our forthcoming holiday. They also turned up with my old SEGA master system games console - I hadn't realised they still had it! The games look top class, so we're looking forward to dusting them off and seeing if they still work. I'll let you know how it goes...


Trish @ said...

I love that we've been to your house and Bedford Park now so I know exactly where this picture was taken! A lovely park - and I'll always have a soft spot for lawn bowling now....

Elspeth said...

actually, it's a different bandstand in a different park - sorry for confusing you! You'll just have to come to visit again so we can take a walk in this park after some sushi...