Friday, February 04, 2005

Exciting house news

I have just had a phone call from our solicitors to say that we have exchanged contracts on the house - hooray!! We should complete on Tuesday, so from then until the end of the month Tim and I will have two residences in Bedford. This also means that from now until the end of the month we'll be packing, moving, unpacking, sorting out utility bills, getting quotes from builders, buying white goods and getting them fitted and other things I'm sure I've forgotten at the moment. But at this precise moment in time none of that worries me as we've survived the stress that is buying a house!

Visitors will be very welcome - give us time to put up some curtains and buy a sofa :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrats! That's wonderful news! (it's Trish, i'm too lazy to sign in and I'm using my in-laws computer).