Thursday, June 16, 2005

A geeky advert

I hope those of you with televisions will be tuning in to channel 4 on Saturday night for 'The World's Biggest Airliner: Building the Airbus A380' - a two hour documentary! It starts at 7 p.m. so yes, it does clash with the finale of Doctor Who. But you know the daleks won't win, and the A380 is much more exciting :-)

Sorry, geek-moment over. We spent some time today talking about the aircraft-after the aircraft-after the A380 - planning ahead just a bit...

On a non-work-related front, Tim's brother Andy came to visit last night so I cooked a meat bolognese for the first time - another culinary milestone. We spent the evening looking at wedding photos and playing our new formula one board game . I won on a two lap race of the monaco circuit - I like to think it was all down to my tactical use of gears and brakes, but really it was just luck with the dice rolls...

1 comment:

Elspeth said...

If you play using the 'advanced rules' you can take into account tyre wear on the track, but I'm not sure it covers the kind of fiasco that happened this weekend!