Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Not a good weekend

I just thought I'd share the experience of one of my work colleagues this past weekend. She and her boyfriend have been in the UK for about 8 months since moving from Switzerland. In this time they'd never really got out of London, so they had planned a nice weekend away in Exton, Rutland (very close to where Elspeth and I stayed at the start of our honeymoon, coincidentally). My aforementioned colleague spent the previous week finding a nice hotel with rooms available, and generally looking forward to exploring some of the country. Her boyfriend picked her up from work on friday and off they pootled.

She told me yesterday that the weekend wasn't great: they took a wrong turning on the way. Unfortunately, that wrong turning was to follow a route to Exton, Devon. And they didn't realise they were going South-West rather than North until they got to Exeter. That's a 9 hour round trip to get nowhere. Ouch.

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