Saturday, September 03, 2005

Clear out

Elspeth is away visitng Shrewsbury to see Catriona (and get the last requests for official wedding photos) and then Reading (for a BBQ at the Silverstones'), and while she's away I've tasked myself with clearing up a bit around the house. So I've been getting rid of almost all of my unnecessary thesis junk - the recylcing people will be pleased with the haul from our house this week. It's been quite fun loking back on all the stuff I did, but I won't be sorry never to see those papers again. Anyway, here's a nice photo I call "Distillation of Knowledge".

What was really fun was looking through the plots I had. Given that I only kept the ones which were useful (otherwise that pile would have been many times as high), I was impressed to find these fantastic correlation plots. Really instructive. Perhaps the beginning of an online plot graveyard?

1 comment:

Elspeth said...

I like the fact that if you squint at the distillation of knowledge photo you can spy the graduation photographs in the background! Makes it all seem worth it...